While rigor and reason sure up Euclid’s logical system of plane geometry, Charlie Milgrim takes a more intuitive approach her own geometric system of the three basic planes- the circle , square ,and triangle. In Plane Shapes she creates an association of non-objective paintings and objects in which concentric and eccentric circles one ordered and once disordered collide with the linear edges and sharp corners of squares and triangle.
Orbits, acrylic on panel, 24" × 24, 2022
Centers, acrylic on panel, 40" x 40", 2022
Soft Geometry, acrylic on panel, 30" × 40", 2022
Inner Circle, acrylic on panel, 40" × 40", 2022
Grid, acrylic on panel, 12" × 24", 2022
Concentric, acrylic on panel, 12" x 24", 2022
Rings Grey, acrylic on paper, 19" x 25", 2022
Rings White, acrylic on paper, 19" × 25", 2022